As A owns 100 % of shares of the company B, then, the owner of the company A simultaneously is the owner of the company B. Hence, both companies - A and B - are in possession of the same owner - we shall name him A&B. Directors of both companies A and B (we shall designate them d1 and d2 accordingly) also belong to the owner À&Â as all other property.
Owner À&Â is the one who controls even one of directors d1 or d2, - as the director of other company also belongs À&Â automatically. If at least one of directors is controlled by nobody - that he is the real owner À&Â who owns both companies.
The state belonging of discoverers, scientific researchers and the neighborhood with Antarctica is not the basis for possession appropriation. According to a principle of equal co-ownership the territory of all Earth belongs to all living people in an equal measure. Antarctica is a part of territory of the Earth, therefore the territory of Antarctica belongs to all people in an equal measure.
According to the principle of equal co-ownership all territory of country A - including where red-haired live - belongs to all citizens of the country in an equal measure (both to red-haired, and to brunettes). If to admit, that the part of citizens can withdraw the land to their possession, then, and any separate citizen can withdraw their share of land. Free withdrawal of the land in separate possession will lead to situation, when the future generations cannot co-ownership the land in an equal measure, so the principle of equal co-ownership will be broken. Thus, the central government should not to recognize any self-declarations of independence.
No, it is not. The question of belonging of a territory cannot be solved by voting (referendum) at all. If to admit, that the majority of citizens can to give a part of territory to certain exterior owners (in particular, red-haired), than the majority can to transfer all territory to itself only (brunettes), having excluded minority of citizens (in particular, red-haired) from co-owners of the land, than the principle of equal co-ownership will be broken.
Any compulsion only worsens development routes of owners. In particular, if compulsion touches routes which refer to commercial activity these routes become less attractive to realization. As taxes are compulsion, they only brake business. The lower a taxes level - the business braking is weaker. It's impossible to stimulate economy by methods of compulsion (to accelerate it). The best conditions for achievement of economic growth are achieved only by elimination of all obstacles which are various forms of compulsions (in particular, and mainly – the taxes).
Any interdictions on using acts or on exchanges concerning any property objects (foreign currency, in particular) is compulsion. This compulsion leads to increase the level of compulsions in a society that is immoral. So, establishing the monopoly over monetary circulation – is wrong decision.
Really, such measure will allow to fill up public revenues essentially. However, the state monopoly is established by methods of compulsions: it is forbidden for owners to make own alcohol and to buy this alcohol. The monopoly over alcohol does not suppress any other compulsion so - it is immoral. The decision wrong.
All three variants are incorrect. The correct decision is – as much as possible, on the sum equal to all incomes, to reduce taxes, as it will lead to significant decrease of a compulsions level in a society (as taxes are the compulsion).
Any price control of the exterior owners (in particular to force them «to freeze prices») is a compulsion. As this compulsion does not eliminate any other compulsion, it will lead to increase the compulsions level in a society, that is immoral. The correct decision will be - to not interfere in a price policy of the exterior owners. The only thing, than should do the state - to help needy citizens directly.
Any trading restrictions - both the customs duties, and quotas - are compulsions, and are not directed to suppression of any greater compulsion. And the increase of the compulsions level cannot to satisfy the state interests, as the purpose of the state - to decrease the general level of compulsions.
Monopolization processes occur by voluntary methods, as that: merge of several firms in a single, the coordinated price policy, division of commodity markets, etc. – here there are no compulsions. So, as any antimonopoly law is compulsion, that is immoral. Such decision wrong.
This regulation of actions of exterior owners is compulsion, as it is realized without mutual consent with employers. This compulsion does not eliminate any other compulsion, so it is immoral (as leads to increase the general level of compulsions). Thus, the state should not determine the minimal amount of payment for exterior employers. The state should to help needy citizens directly.
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